


The history of our roasting begins in the 1960s with Mr. Giuseppe Buratti’s strong passion for coffee. In 1964 he decided to start his own business in the Vicenza area using a charcoal roaster and carefully choosing the raw materials, looking for the quality to be transmitted to the final consumer.
Following the dynamics of an evolving and growing market, in the 1980s the company purchased a gas roaster which, together with vacuum packaging, increased the company’s customer base.
In the 90s the company also began to turn to large-scale distribution, supermarkets and vending machines, always maintaining the qualitative characteristics of the product which had to have a full, fruity and enveloping taste, a correct balance between an almost sweet and bitter taste that made one think of exotic landscapes.
All the history and passion of the founder have been transmitted to the heirs and current owners, Nevio and Marzio, who gave life to Union Global Srl which combined the coffee brands “Haway” and, recently, “Men & Coffee” for the Ho .Re.Ca. (hotel, restaurant and catering).
The new reality has maintained the dedication, the knowledge and the passion of Mr. Buratti, it has created a new brand and it acquired new modern roasting machines in order to maintain the high quality standards. In addition to the traditional segments of large-scale distribution and vending, it has also opened new market segments such as the Ho.Re.Ca. in Italy and abroad.



The human relationship with the customer, the high quality coffee at a balanced price and the impeccable service are the ingredients that make Uomini&Caffè products unique. For the Ho.Re.Ca channel, the company has developed some sophisticated blends such as Passione, Incontro, Carattere e Panna.
The blends are composed with the best Arabica and Robusta quality coffees in the world, they’re roasted in a slow way and with respect of the organoleptic characteristics of each variety; all this, in our roasting plant of Campiglia dei Berici, in the province of Vicenza.


Our company wants to offer to the final consumer an excellent product of superior quality, but also a lifestyle, a set of indications and suggestions that allow you to appreciate the real Italian espresso in the best way.
As a roaster we guarantee the training and qualification of our operators and the quality of the product; we are also very attentive to the equipment used, to their maintenance and finally to the correct information to our customers.
Coffee is not just any drink: drinking a coffee is not an automatic act that lasts a few seconds. In Italy it means meeting, conviviality and sharing. Coffee is the result of a correct harmony of events: research and selection of the best raw materials up to the correct delivery of coffee to the end customer.
Our goal is to obtain the maximum aromas and fragrances from each grain.
Uomini & Caffè gives life to an unmistakable product and offers it to demanding customers, gourmets, cafes, pastry shops, bars and restaurants who want to focus on quality.
Men & Coffee creates exclusive blends and customized packaging for large customers who want to offer their public a unique and inimitable coffee. For over thirty years of activity in the field of coffee roasting and marketing under the Haway brand, the company continues to grow and develop by expanding the range of its products.
We are also specialized in the production of references dedicated to the GDO, Vending and Private sector; in fact, we offer closed system capsules or capsules compatible with the most popular brands of machines.


Union Global considers coffee preparation as an art and in order to maximize the quality of its product, it always advises its customers to follow those steps:
1. Pay particular attention to a fundamental ingredient such as the water. The 90% of a cup of coffee is exactly water, so it is important to evaluate its composition (it must not be too rich or too low in mineral salts), the temperature (which must be around 90°C) and the pressure delivery.
2. As for coffee: it is important to select the most balanced grind to adapt it to specific needs. Our operators will be able to guide you in selecting the correct size of the micro granules that can vary according to the humidity of the air. For the correct extraction of the characteristics and aromas of our coffees it is also essential to correctly dose the quantity of product to be put in the filter: in general the correct quantity is 7 grams but the quantity can vary according to the composition of the blends. To maintain all the organoleptic characteristics, timing is important: after grinding the coffee, it is recommended to use it in the first 15 minutes. In addition to all this, we teach the bartender the “magic touch” that is the final pressing that guarantees the sensory balance of the drink.
3. The third fundamental point concerns the equipment and its maintenance. One of the last steps concerns the ordinary maintenance and the correct cleaning of the equipment: our specialized installers will show you the most appropriate procedures to maintain the high technical-quality standards of the machines.
